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Category: News

Is Plant Based Diet the only differentiating factor between Novak Djokovic and others?

What we all got to witness yesterday at the French Open Men’s Championship Final was beyond belief. How does Djokovic do what he has done? What is it that he has and other do not? Drive, Team, Resources …… It is important to dig deeper into his performance year after year. At 34 years of...

Fruit Forest in India

One of the first countries that welcomed Fruit Forest with open arms is India. Young and old have fallen for the unique offer of healthier vegan snacks without added sugar. Since 2019 we’re working with Keventer Agro as our local partner. As a result of their efforts, the Real Fruit Snacks have become available at numerous...

New Fruit Forest Website!

What you’re seeing now is a new, much extended version of our website. In line with the growth of the brand, you’ll now find a lot more useful and interesting info on our products, applications and distribution. Stay tuned for news about campaigns in stores near you, Fruit Forest recipes for a healthier lifestyle and...

Fruit Snacks: ideal cycling fuel

Here you see Anne from Amsterdam, a true cyling fanatic! She averages more than 10000 km a year and all of them with a smile on her face. Enjoying nature and being outside, while staying fit is a nice bonus.  As Anne enjoys long rides the most, she was looking for something else than the...

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